Featured Publications
Optimizing Care Teams by Leveraging Advanced Practice Providers Through Strategic Workforce Planning
Kuriakose, C., Stringer, M., Ziegler, A., Hsieh, C., Atashroo, M., Hendershott, J., Tippett, V., Shah, D., Cianfichi, L., Katznelson, L., & Mahoney, M. (2022). Optimizing Care Teams by Leveraging Advanced Practice Providers Through Strategic Workforce Planning. Journal of Nursing Administration, 52.
All Publications
Kuriakose, C. (2021). Q&A: Advocating for advanced practice providers. Modern Healthcare.
Nandwani, M., Clarke, J., Kuriakose, C., Stevenson, E. (2019). Impact of Nurse Practitioner Navigation on Access to Care for Patients with Refractory Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.
Winter, S., Chan, G., Kuriakose C., Duderstadt, K., Spetz, J., Hsieh, D., Platon, C., Chapman, S. (2020). Measurement of nonbillable service value activities by nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and clinical nurse specialists in ambulatory specialty care. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.
Furman, J., Erickson, M., Orozco, J., Barto, K., Brown, C., Coble, M., Cooling, M., Creaden, J., Davidson, J., DeTroye, A., Hoyer, R., Kuriakose, C., Pagel, J., Raaum, J., Rodgers, J., Shepherd, K., Tippett, V., Vanderlinden, S. (2021). Leveraging Advanced Practice Providers During a Crisis: Lessons Learned from Top Healthcare Systems [White paper]. American College of Healthcare Executives.
Mahoney, M., Beatty, D., Kuriakose, C., Anen, T., Hartsell, Z. (2021). The Key Role of Advanced Practice Providers in Today’s New Normal. Physician Leadership Journal, 8(2).
Chan G., Kuriakose, C., Blacker A., Harshman, J., Kim, S., Jordan, L., Shanafelt. T. (2021). An Organizational Initiative to Assess and Improve Well-being in Advanced Practice Providers. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, (25).
Kuriakose, C., Stringer, M., Ziegler, A., Hsieh, C., Atashroo, M., Hendershott, J., Tippett, V., Shah, D., Cianfichi, L., Katznelson, L., & Mahoney, M. (2022). Optimizing Care Teams by Leveraging Advanced Practice Providers Through Strategic Workforce Planning. Journal of Nursing Administration, 52.
Nandwani, M., Blacker, A., Shanafelt, T. D., Harshman, J., & Kuriakose, C. (2022). Promoting Professional Fulfillment for Advanced Practice Providers. New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery, 3(10).